Pasko Na! (It’s Christmas!)

    Merry Christmas!
    The EBC SALMO Chorale and the EBC SonBeams had a blast as they presented an Arnel De Pano Christmas album, “Pasko Na!” It is indeed more fun to sing in one’s native tongue. Even the audience was very receptive and appreciative. After all, we sang about something so close to our hearts: Christmas; in Tagalog.

    Pasko Na! tells of Christmas that’s uniquely Filipino; the traditions, culture, food and everything surrounding this much-awaited season.  There’s the Simbang Gabi where people would wake up at dawn for nine mornings to go to church. Nine days till Christmas day, that is. Adding to the fondness of the occasion are the special traditional foods awaiting the church goers as they come out of the churches. Lining the streets are vendors of local delicacies, mostly sweet rice cakes, puto bumbong with tea, and puto kawali.

    And we’re not done yet. Filipinos celebrate the Christmas Season much longer than other peoples. We are way early than others to be in Christmas mode. I think some would smirk upon hearing Christmas carols as early as July. And the season officially ends on the 6th of January as the nation celebrates The Three Kings (day).

    For the kids, the Christmas Day is the best day of the holiday seasons. For it is on this day that they go around in droves to visit their godfathers/mothers, and relatives to kiss hands and be given “pamasko” (Christmas gifts). In the absence of gifts, relatives or even neighbors hand each child with money. I remember my younger days when at the end of the day we would be enthusiastically counting our “napamaskuhan” (collected pamasko ) and see who’s got the most.

    But the cantata is still centered on the real theme of the season: the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and His gift of life for all mankind. Amidst all the hustle and bustle of the yuletide season, we need never forget that God gave up His throne to be born a helpless child, to live a humble life and ultimately, to die in our stead. All that for His love towards us.

    After the Christmas presentation, the night segued to party mode as it was also our Christmas party.

    Happy Holidays! 🙂

(Photo Credits: Ms. Irene Vera-Badar)

One response to this post.

  1. Posted by Lance Dolores on 2January2010 at 1:49 am

    Nice Christmas card and all!!!…galing!..

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